Friday, June 25, 2021

Wonderful BQ 5 Class

Last Saturday, I taught a class at Haphazard Quilting.  My students were awesome. Here are the pictures of our happy quilters! 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Favorite Podcast and Other Stuff

While I have been working on my "Star of Scraps" quilt pattern, I've really been enjoying listening to Sherri And Chelsi of a Quilting Life.  No, not my sister Chelsi, Chelsi Stratton of Chelsi Stratton Designs. The podcast features mother and daughter talking about all things quilting as well as organizing, and even food!  If you are looking for an inspirational podcast, I highly recommend a listen! 

I've also been working on organizing my studio.  Wow.  It's amazing to me what cleaning a space can do for "clearing your head"!  A couple of years back I bought a HELMER cart from Ikea.  Although I'd been using the cart, I hadn't really "organized" it.  Here's one of the drawers now.  I spray painted the jar caps white and added magnets to the bottoms (Canaan Hardware has great magnets) so they won't slide around! 

And, in other notes, I've been helping with the barn quilts for Mascoma Valley Preservation.  It's almost time for round two of barn quilts to be delivered to their homes. Here's a picture of the one that made its home at my house!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Designing a Pattern

Right now, at this very moment, I am designing a pattern that uses 2.5" by 5" fabric strips. What I have discovered and often taken for granted is, it is hard to write a pattern. The skillset required to write instructions using Adobe or some other program has a steep learning curve. I thought I'd try InDesign and quickly realized it was wayyyyyy out of my league! So, GoogleDocs it is! The working title of the pattern is called "Star of Scraps".  If anyone has any suggestions as to what program I can use to design quilt patterns (instructions), I would greatly appreciate it. Or, if you know how to use one of these programs and want to teach me, I’d be ever so grateful!  Happy quilting!